Dr. Atef M. Gendy, president of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, writes today:
The ETSC Seminary community is so thankful for the partners who have been in prayer for us in this historic time. We know you are watching events unfold in “real time” just as we are from our vantage point. Please spend your energy in prayer instead of worry.
We continue to pray as well. Yesterday the Faculty gathered for prayer together and to discuss the plans for the Annual Faculty Retreat scheduled for July 5-9 in Beit el Salaam, near Alexandria. This planning retreat includes faculty families who enjoy each others’ company and the pool at the retreat site. Due to the uncertainty of safely traveling that distance or the availability of fuel for the chartered bus, the trip to the retreat site will probably need to be cancelled and the meetings held on campus. This will be a big disappointment to everyone but we will make our final and wise decision tomorrow morning.
Those of you who have visited the Seminary can picture our quiet neighborhood. We are located next to the Police Academy dog kennels and feel that police presence on an ongoing basis. Abbassia is not a site for demonstrations. Faculty only participate by driving to those locations. On days when we sense insecurity outside our neighborhood, the staff is sent home early or told not to come to their campus office at all. The whole campus is surrounded by a fifteen foot/ 4.5 meter wall with entry through an iron gate. In other words, we are in God’s protective care and the campus is secure physically.
Most of our faculty live in the campus apartments or live a short, familiar walk away. Those who ordinarily drive or take the Metro (subway) to campus are all in the USA on vacation or Mission Itineration. The International Mission Personnel are being monitored by their denominations. Michael Parker has gone to Cyprus with the ELCA folks and the Presbyterians are in close contact with their partners in World Mission. We monitor their situation closely and will make any arrangements necessary if they need to leave the country. They all have a “Plan B” in writing.
Please pray for those of us who are returning to the demonstrations this afternoon and evening. We are leaving for the demonstrations immediately expecting a very important decision about what the military will do next. I will report back to you about the situation I witness “on the street” tomorrow.
Pray for Egypt as a nation.
Atef Gendy,
President of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo.
Read further
Statement President Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo on Demonstrations June 30
Dr. Atef. M. Gendy of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo Writes Again (July 6)
Articles about ETSC in general, its Center for Middle Eastern Christianity, and its international master’s program
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